Sunday, August 31, 2008

Juneau's Farmers' Market and Food Festival-- A Success!

Thank you to the following businesses and agencies whose generosity helped make this event possible for the community:
Juneau Arts and Humanities Council
Don Kurilec - Graphic Artist
Cooperative Extension Service
Capital City Weekly
Heritage Coffee
AK Dept. of Fish & Game
City & Borough of Juneau

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


THIS SATURDAY-- 9am to 2pm


Admission is free!

Buy locally grown and produced seafood, baked goods, vegetables, preserves and more!

Farmer's Market/Food Festival
Juneau Arts & Culture Center Gallery
Presentation Schedule
In the JACC Conference Room:
9:00am - 9:30am How to Grow & Process Garlic in SE Alaska
9:30am -10:00am Backyard Greenhouse Construction & Operation
10:00am-10:30am Making Cheese
10:30am-11:00am Creating Flavored Vinegars
11:00am -11:30am BREAK
11:30am - 12 noon Wild Edible Medicinal Plants
12:00noon-12:30pm Raising Chickens for Eggs
12:30pm - 1:00pm Free Local Resources for Gardeners
1:00pm - 1:30pm Composting
Under the Outdoor Tent:
11:00am-12 noon You Caught the Fish, Now What?!
Fillet Demonstration and Tips on Smoking Fish

For more information, please contact 586-ARTS or
See you there!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Environmental Cost of Transporting Food

This article on the environmental impact of globalized food appeared in the New York Times earlier this year, but bears another read in light of the rising costs of bringing food to our table.

To learn how to eat closer to home, come to the
Juneau Farmers' Market on August 30!

See a demonstration by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game on how to clean and preserve deer and fish. ADF&G will be cleaning a deer and filleting fish in a tent outside the Juneau Arts and Culture Center.

Inside the building, you can enjoy browsing the booths of produce, seafood, and baked goods for sale!

Friday, August 8, 2008

From Grist: How to Green your Grocery List

Keeping with the theme of promoting greater food sustainability, Grist offers some suggestions on how to choose healthier and greener at the grocery store. Check out:

How To Green your Grocery List

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sitka Public Markets this Month

Seems everyone is getting into the Farmers Market swing!

Check out the three market events scheduled in Sitka this month, by visiting:

Sitka Farmers Markets

Featuring Locally Grown Produce, Fresh and Frozen Seafood, Food Vendors, Roasted Coffee, Kids Activities, Crafts, Entertainment and More!

Photo courtesy of

Friday, August 1, 2008

POLL: Should the Juneau Farmers Market Include Produce from Around the State?

No doubt you've noticed the particularly cold, wet, dreary summer we've been having. Recognizing too, that starting a farmers market tradition takes time to catch hold, we have a question for you:

Should we open up the market to produce from other communities around Alaska?

Post your response here!

Either way, the Farmers Market is shaping up to be a great event, so don't miss it! Remember to save Saturday August 30th.

Offerings will include:

Individuals selling locally grown and harvested foods and products
Local Businesses showcasing their locally produced foods and garden products
Non-Profits Organizations offering garden products and baked goods with local fruits
Door Prizes
Informational tables on gardening and harvesting resources

Presentations and Demonstrations!
Backyard Greenhouse Construction (Art Chance)
Local Edible and Medicinal Plants (Carol Biggs)
Dressing Wild Fish and Game (Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game)
Local Resources for Gardeners (Ed Buyarski)
Edible Bulbs: Growing Garlic and Onions (Joe Orsi)
How to Make Your own Cheese (Missy McMillan)
Using Flowers for Vinegar Flavoring (Sonja Koukel, UAF Cooperative Extension Service)